Two new sets from Cornish Heritage Farms, available today! Pirates are a hot commodity right now, well, at least the romantic notion of them. Not sure I would want to be paid a visit by the real thing, ykwim? So, if you like a realistic set, then Shiver Me Timbers fits the bill. I decided on a booty bag of chocolate coins for this set. Wouldn't this be a fun hand delivered invitation to a pirate themed party or a perfect bag of "gold" for the winner of a party game?
Supplies: Muslin, sewing machine, Cotton cording (jewelry dept at Joanne's), Palette Noir and Burnt Umber ink, Distress Vintage Photo ink, Small shipping tag, Chocolate coins
Pirates, done by Kim Hughes for CHF, fit the fun and whimsical style. This set, Ahoy Matey, is the SOTM set and available for a limited time. I made this card and was going to mail it to Brett, you know how kids love mail....instead, I left it with his teacher to put on his desk to wish him a great day. Inside reads:
You're a treasure. (with the miniature crossbones stamped next to the sentiment).
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